1.0 Volume of Liquid
Volume of Liquid is how much three-dimensional space a liquid occupies or contains. To measure the volume of liquids, only need to place them in a graduated cylinder and read the measurement. We read the volume at the bottom of the meniscus.
2.0 Measuring Volume of Liquid
Below is the video on how to measure volume of liquid.
3.0 The Main Problem – ‘Misconception on Capacity’
Children often make the comparisions on length rather than on capacity. Students will automatically choose the taller containers if we ask them which holds more. This is what we called ‘Misconception on capacity’.
4.0 Problem Solving
In order to overcome such problem, few teaching aids are built , together with suitable activities.
4.1 Teaching Aids
We built 2 types of teaching aids which can be used during the process of teaching volume of liquid. Below is a set of teaching aids which can be applied to Year 2 students
SET A (suitable for low achiever students)
Item included : Various type of drinks (Juice, Flavored Drink, Can Drinks,
Soft Drinks, Soya Drinks), measuring cup
Possible to be created : Yes, can be bought at any supermarket, hypermarket
Related to daily life : Yes, things can be found in fridge, supermarket, cool
drinks stall
Suitable for all levels : Yes, especially for low achiever students
of students
Economical : Cost – RM12.60
SET B (suitable for higher achiever students)
Item included :Various type of drinks (Juice, Flavored Drink, Can Drinks,
Soft Drinks, Soya Drinks) filled with plain water,measuring cup
Possible to be created :Yes, can be bought at any supermarket, hypermarket
Related to daily life :Yes, things can be found in fridge, supermarket, cool
drinks stall
Suitable for all levels :Yes, especially for higher achiever students
of students
Economical :Recycled item which been used for previous activity
5.0 Teaching Activities
Teaching is fun and exciting. Teaching volume of liquid with suitable teaching aids make students understand more in estimated time. By category students according to their achievements, teacher can implement suitable teaching activities according to their cognitive and behavior development.
5.1 Teaching Activity A (For Low Achiever Students)
Learning Outcome:
• Students can read the volume of liquid correctly
• Students can measure the volume of liquid correctly
• 4 set of container (SET A,B,C,D and each set has 2 container with the same volume, but different type of shape)
• A large water jug with water level lable
1. Shows 2 types of drinks (different shapes, but with the same volume of liquid inside)
2.Have students guess which container contains more liquid.
3.Calculate the number of students, record on blackboard.
4.Have students measure the volume of 2 containers by using the measuring cup.
5.Write the volume of SET A.
6.Read the volume of liquid on the container’s label.
7.Teacher continues the activity with SET B, C, D by repeating step 2 to step 6.
8.Teacher emphasizes that although the shape of container may be different, but the volume of liquid could be the same. The volume of liquid cannot be judged or measured by looking at the physical appearance of the container. It must be measure with standard graduated cylinder or measuring cup.
9.Have students classify the container according to its capacity
10.Let students share the drinks, emphasize the important of SHARING (Moral Value)
5.2 Teaching Activity B (For Higher Achiever Students)
Learning Outcome:
• Students can measure the volume of liquid correctly
• Students can classify various type of container according to the volume of container
• 4 set of container (SET A,B,C,D and each set has 2 container with the same volume, but different type of shape) filled with plain water
• A large water jug with water level labeling
1.Shows the entire container.
2.Mix up the entire container, telling students that every container contains full of plain water.
3.Have students measure the volume of plain water in each container by using the measuring cup.
4.Write the volume of container on blackboard.
5.Teacher continues the activity with different types of container.
6.Request students classify the container according to its capacity.
a,For example,
7.Guide students make conclusion.
8.Teacher emphasizes that although the shape of container may be different, but the volume of liquid could be the same. The volume of liquid cannot be judged or measured by looking at the physical appearance of the container. It must be measure with standard graduated cylinder or measuring cup.
9.Asking students what containers they prefer to use to fill with drinking water.
10.Emphasizes the important of water.
6.0 Conclusion
Understanding of the volume of liquid for every children should be start from an early age. Therefore, teachers and parents should work closely together to achieve the desired effect. This can reduce the difficulties faced for every single child.
Although these activities may seem simple, but availability is very large. This is because it used a variety of items of daily life. Students also benefit from these activities in order to foster their independence, and improve problem-solving ability .